Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Little Modle Murdered In 90s

Ms. Summer

I did anything last night, but think of you, my Lady. Of course, you were far away, at home or elsewhere. We felt, just the time greeting. I felt that I could ask for help. Not me you would have denied. However, I considered it good let the quiet demeanor to your jobs. M'avevate not invited to the rest take care of you, nor I did I expressed my need.
Last night, I so wrong as those who do not know what to do with too much freedom. I did some 'shopping, only in order to avoid distractions. But even in front of a window are safe, as you say, dangers which threaten the promise. I had to see how true. I am far from perfect.
But how could I be you, if you are not me everywhere? How could I be your, if not constantly having to wrap the ankles with kisses and cuddles? How could I be you, if you require the exercise of devotion to me does not silence the suffering of those who turn to gaze on me? How could I not be yours if Nourish my expectation with benevolent gestures? How, then, if I do not know when filled life to be both cute on these lands, even if only by flooding the eyes to see with your own?
I confess, Madam, that I can not refrain from distractions if you do not feel that I required it, or that you are angry, or that you are disappointed for my selfishness. Last night I
wrong, yes, waste too much of my freedom. Protect me, O Lord, from myself first, because the front window of a shop I succumb to weakness, confuses me, I get distracted by having to think only of you.
My distraction is called Franziska. It seems a little girl, simple, confidential, no claims of flamboyance. He asked me to help in the choice of his particular, to understand the symbolic power, to know all the secrets. I wore them to my mirror detector.
In proximity to this woman I had the presence of that danger as you well know and to which m'avete warned.
The pitfall I stirred myself, for myself. I looked at the woman with interest, Madam. I play for possession of her, branded with my name in his own chains. He has not opposed. Had not even aware of what allowed me to do.
did not happen much, Madam. I just picked up the pearl necklace of the young, and I did not released yet. I do not think of her, I do not have time Lady. However I think I have understood my gesture. I wanted to preserve its clarity, as well as you want to preserve my own. I now believe to be more in harmony with you, although still in the idea that conflict make me kneel in your presence, stripped of everything.
I offer, however, the statutory title of Ms. Summer, to show you that I will not retreat. Know that by accepting it, I link to obedience.


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