Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Screensavers For Migraine

Tied naked to the oak

You'll be mine. That 's what you told me. That 's what you told me I was expecting.

The day will come when I also say: be mine now, now! You already know that I will donate to you.

as I know how easy it is here, throw in subjection to another's feet, or that it is so easy to put your foot on the head of those stretches in the dust.

You know what I like here we tend to miss the extent of their right of self-knowledge, as one approaches, often at a powerful delusion, inconsistent as misleading and made all the more vulgar by the ease with which you subtract the same effort to be before it be for someone, or be with someone.

So, Vivian, my dear Madam, concediamoci time to fine embroidery our mutual promise. Do not call calls you, make me tremble, yet. Let me know, get to know more, In the meantime, we'll open my heart, thank you for this.

tied naked to the oak tree I'll do my most inaccessible forest, where there wont awaken love. Expect to wake up, that does not have to say that my hand was short-sighted.

lingered, Viviana, until I found for you the name of Mrs. that suits you, you will Absolute me.

I hope you've got to know me a bit 'through my book of memories. I hope to please you. If not, do not want you to be proud, or seek a source of pride. Rather, I satisfies a humble profile. I already know, otherwise, that momentum on my side too, too intentions, ideas, initiatives, would harm my own experience. The ties that hold me back to the roots of oak in the forest to this need: to prevent the fire flared powerful burning in me to prevent a fire in the night is powered by wonderful chimeras, reduced to smoldering ashes in the morning.

So, I prepare myself to become your last, for essere acquiescente alla grazia vostra, ma anche sottomessa alle ancelle che già vi sono accanto, e di altre che chiamerete forse in futuro.

Tutto ciò che v’appartiene, Signora, mi sovrasterà.

Il giorno in cui mi direte sii mia, ora ; il giorno in cui chinerò la testa donandovi la chiave del mio collare; ebbene io obbedirò non solo a voi ma anche a coloro che v’appartengono e che vi sono dedite, nei limiti delle prerogative che beninteso vorrete accordare loro.


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