Thursday, June 3, 2010

Digital Playground Pirates Blog

expect I'll find My state ... we could be

The Statute of the Lost Eden Cerva regulate their relationship of subordination in respect of the Lord, she recognized, who have the right to request and order all the services in keeping with their status as submissive.

conditions subject of Deer, as well as that of Lord, are for Second Life. Therefore exclude contamination with the real life of those concerned, who have the right and duty to remain anonymous.

the title Lord is donated by the Deer Lost Eden, of his own free will, to those who have the ability to exercise diritti previsti dallo Statuto.

Signoria assoluta è la Signora del Tempo la quale, a sua discrezione, può disporre termini e condizioni affinché la Cerva ottemperi alla soddisfazione delle Signorie che ne richiedano i servigi.

Alle Signorie viene conferito dalla Cerva un titolo individuale, unico, irrevocabile.

La Cerva ha dovere di totale trasparenza nei riguardi della sua Signora assoluta. Ad essa dovrà riferire ogni suo atto, comportamento, pensiero, opera, manchevolezza, compresi quelli relativi ai suoi doveri nei riguardi delle altre Signorie.

La Signora del Tempo può cedere le prerogative proprie della Signoria assoluta esclusivamente a favore di altra Signoria, senza altri consensus that what concerned della Signoria, within the time period of the condition of slavery Cerva. The condition of subjection

Cerva decade of June 1, 2011.

The condition of subjection of the hind has no limits on the nature of the services that can be rendered by him, except as specified below.

certain restrictive measures, if not justified by gross negligence, may be imposed on the Deer for a period exceeding seven days. The keeper can intercede with the Lords if it becomes aware of restrictions that it considers not to be justified or proportionate to the acts, behaviors, thoughts, works and shortcomings of the Hind, or as to the forms of transfer, loans, or use third parties to the Deer that do not have the title of Lord, save an occasional basis and not extended beyond 2 days.

The unilateral transfer of ownership of the collar of Fawn in those without the title of Lord, or the conditions which eventually lead to the irrevocable assignment, such as its sale to the Slave Market, are subject to the consent of the Deer which will make public statement specified under Blog.

Cerva to recognize all the ladies the right to retain memory of their condition through the testimony of submissive who will leave on this blog.

On this blog, the ladies have the right to be authors of their testimony, subject recruitment and individually responsible for their intellectual property, and in full compliance with all national laws and international standards or recognized.


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