Thursday, June 3, 2010

How Big Does A Sailboat Has To Be

Generous Lady, sometimes when I feel that your eyes search me thinking less attentive to my condition Cerva, with kindness when you deign of stroking my hair and touch his face, when the proximity of the hand makes solid gold chain around his neck and rings that m'avvinghiano wrists and ankles, then my chest m'apriste Madam I would like to eat my heart. If I should die I would have reached my perfect about you.

And instead, my lady, instead of turning the blade sharpened ed'incidere I had already, in the breast, blood and a deep furrow, I let myself go and confidences no longer have reason to be reminded of.

tender lover we have been.

E 'highest good of you, my Lady, still able to maintain memoria dei tempi in cui fui libera persona al vostro cospetto. Con gli occhi velati d’un sospiro, mi sussurrate. Si, teneri amanti avremo potuto essere. Per trarre subito via da voi ogni nostalgia, mi prostro ai vostri piedi, mia Signora, e bacio la polvere dove avete appena lasciato un orma.

Nel silenzio apparente, riecheggiano tuttavia le parole con le quali volli allora sedurvi, mia Assoluta Signora.

Lo so che sei lì. So che sai che io sono qui. Ma come sapere se tu pensi a me? Come farti sapere che i miei silenzi, mentre tu sei lì a vivere i tuoi momenti (che ignoro), while I'm here to live my moments (which you ignore), are silent with anxiety?

Why this hesitation to undress each film, each armor? Why sapendoti alive, I hesitate to run naked along and suddenly the path that leads to you, trembling at the thought of being able to throw your arms?

This hesitation I call her discretion, confidentiality, respect (of your time, your interests, your activities). Quanto però mi strazia questa compostezza!

Eppure è questa dolorosa rinuncia che accresce il desiderio che mi pervade, incomprensibile quanto struggente.

Amica mia, dolce sorella, perché quella sera hai voluto dischiudere per me un ultima opportunità?

Già stavamo separandoci. Shortly before he fled, there was a slight touch your bottom, opening a crack wise with fresh light. I inspired the gentle sweetness and now my lips stretch out over your breast. I want to quench your thirst for greed I have for you.

not resist my love (you, my love) than in enjoying the freedom that you left me. I beg you, just got custody, seal it between aromatic essences, rinchiudila in that drawer that I have reserved for me. Lock it the privilege of my free choices and possiedimi. Now, tomorrow, another day ...

Kiss her forehead, rinfrescala now delirious with fever. I squint sapendoti close to me.


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